lets recast

3 AI Tools For Wealth Creation, Pt 1

I’ve mentioned FutureTools here before, because it’s one of my favorite databases for all of the newest AI tools on the market. As someone that regularly uses FutureTools, I’m always testing out new tools and figuring out which ones are best for my audience over here. Since wealth creation is the focus of much of my writing (because you can more easily create the life of your dreams if you have adequate financial resources, at whatever amount/level you decide), here are some of the tools that I’ve found may be helpful for you as you build wealth.

I’m limiting the tools in this series to free (no cost) versions. I’ve financially invested in a few AI tools, but I find it far more interesting to see what can be done at low- to no-cost, especially since people at the beginning of their wealth creation journeys usually have less disposable income. Without further ado, here are three tools to try:

Tool 1 – AOMNI – This site allows you to submit 3 free research requests per day. It provides fairly comprehensive responses and saves the request results, so you can “build” a body of knowledge related to whatever you need to research. If you’ve found your “shovel”, this can save you a lot of time and legwork when it comes to researching different aspects of your business. Since this searches the entire web (unlike the free version of ChatGPT, which only uses data up to September 2021. This can fill in many of the gaps from 2021 to the present, and can be used for detailed market research. Just make sure you write your question well (if you struggle with wording your questions, consider asking ChatGPT to help you write a question that will give you the best response on AOMNI).

Tool 2 – Let’s Recast – I use this app to take articles and turn them into podcast-like audio files. This isn’t an app to “read” the article to you, but rather, to summarize the details and make it easily comprehended. If you find it easier and/or more time efficient to listen to articles as opposed to reading them, this can save you a LOT of time. I usually add articles from Harvard Business Review to Recast, and listen to the articles while I’m doing chores or walking. The app requires either a Chrome Extension or an app download (iOS) to operate the recasting function, but you can also just sign up for the website and listen to the recasts that already exist on the website, too. Lots of the available recasts have valuable information for business owners and anyone interested in finance.

Tool 3 – Video Highlight – This is almost the inverse of Let’s Recast, in that Video Highlight takes video content and turns it into written, summarized information. Remember that 5+ hour video I mentioned in my Millionaire Blueprint post? I actually put that into Video Highlight so that I could get a bulleted list of the recommendations in the video. It was far quicker for the app to summarize the video than to sit through the five hours of content (though I still enjoyed watching the episode and taking my own notes). I’ve since used it for 3 other longer videos. The notes that Video Highlight generates may not be a perfect capture of the information in the video, but it’s excellent for making sure that most of the crucial points are documented. I’m actually considering how I can take the Video Highlight summary and turn it into a recast, so I can listen to the key details of the video whenever I want.

All of the aforementioned websites require sign ups, so have your email addresses ready. However, as someone that has used each of these tools, I have to say that I really enjoyed the capabilities of these apps, and I found them useful for the researching and learning phases of wealth creation. Have you already used any of these? I’d love to hear what you think of them in the comments below!